As a leading provider of warehouse automation systems, CIMC Pteris understands the importance of quality, safety, and compliance. In this article, we will delve into the certifications that CIMC Pteris holds, highlighting their commitment to delivering reliable and environmentally responsible solutions.

Welding Quality and Safety Certifications


In the realm of warehouse automation systems, welding quality plays a critical role in ensuring the structural integrity and operational efficiency of equipment. CIMC Pteris holds the ISO3834-2 certification, a globally recognized standard for welding quality assurance. This certification guarantees that CIMC Pteris adheres to stringent welding procedures and employs skilled welders, resulting in robust and durable automation systems.


Furthermore, CIMC Pteris places a strong emphasis on occupational health and safety. The Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification underscores the company’s commitment to providing a safe working environment for employees and clients alike. By implementing rigorous safety protocols and promoting a culture of awareness, CIMC Pteris ensures the well-being of all stakeholders involved in the implementation and operation of their automation systems.


Environmental and System Certifications


Environmental responsibility is a core value at CIMC Pteris. Recognizing the impact of warehouse automation systems on the environment, the company has obtained the ISO14001 certification for environmental management. This certification demonstrates CIMC Pteris’ dedication to minimizing the ecological footprint of their operations by adopting sustainable practices and reducing waste generation.


In addition to environmental management, CIMC Pteris also holds system certifications that further validate the reliability and quality of their warehouse products. The ISO9001 certification confirms that CIMC Pteris maintains a robust quality management system, ensuring consistent product performance and customer satisfaction. Additionally, the OHSAS18001 certification emphasizes the company’s commitment to occupational health and safety in all aspects of warehouse automation system development and implementation.


By obtaining these certifications, CIMC Pteris demonstrates its dedication to excellence, quality, and compliance. These certifications serve as a testament to our commitment to delivering superior warehouse automation systems that meet global standards. They provide customers with the assurance that CIMC Pteris operates in accordance with the highest industry norms, guaranteeing optimal performance, safety, and environmental responsibility.




CIMC Pteris’ warehouse automation system certifications encompass welding quality, safety, environmental management, and overall system reliability. These certifications underline the company’s unwavering commitment to providing high-quality, safe, and environmentally conscious solutions. By prioritizing compliance and customer trust, CIMC Pteris sets a benchmark in the industry, ensuring that our warehouse automation systems meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and sustainability.